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Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Getting in the Groove

So, I have been a little delinquent in my blog posting as of late. There are several reasons why, but the primary reason is, my computer at home died- the virus infected little bugger just was beyond repair. The tech said it would just be more cost efficient to get another one. So, that I shall. I have to wait until about next week when I have some money- the savings account is just off limits for...well anything. Since my computer has been on the fritz, I have had to use my time at available computers completing this first week of classes homework. I have found that my Law, Procedures, and Individual Rights course will be an excellent prep for when I take Criminal Law in Law School. I also might have found a new passion in my Computer Crimes course. It's been kind of a challenge to find the right balance between work, school, and home; but I am working hard on it.

I have also been searching for work in Atlanta, so that I can make our relocation jump. This is not an easy task, and I figure the earlier I start the better, and maybe I will get a bite in this HORRIBLE economy. Many places have implemented hiring freezes, so I figure I need to spend a little bit of each day searching for a job, until I find one. I have also been researching options that would allow me to have a somewhat flexible schedule- freelancing of some sort or my new genius idea (and I use that term loosely) Private Investigation work, so that I can attend Law School and not have to punch a 9-5 in the day time, creating a day where I would have to be away from the house from 9am-9pm. There's just a lot on my plate right now, and if the year goes as fast as 2008 did, I am in trouble.

And my mother is coming next month, to stay for a month, so I have to get my house in decent order before she comes with her white glove tests, she always seems to comment on how my base boards are not clean enough.

So, it sounds to me like I better sign off, and get started...

1 comment:

KG said...

I still suggest that if at all possible, work a few days a week but not every day. I mean - if you work 3 days a week, and take classes on the other two, it's a lot easier on you. I've done it that way (and I've done the work all day then go to school at night route). It's just easier.

Good luck on the job - the economy SUCKS.

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