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Friday, December 19, 2008

Summer Associate Work

I recently read a statement that a part-time law student who is unable, for whatever reason (work, family) to work as a summer associate during law school is under a MAJOR handicap when looking for work after graduation.

Is this true? What do you think?

1 comment:

james said...

I have read multiple "official" sources that instruct students in this tight economy to take summer associate jobs in order to be more competitive, especially when there are graduates from top schools with JDs and LLMs who are out of work, not to mention countless lawyers laid off in the crunch and adding to the mix.

Of course, for part-time students, it is implied that they are doing some other kind of work in addition to law school, which could enhance their application if the field is related to the practice of law in which they wish to work (example is science research work whilst studying to be an IP atty).

I read a lot of publications about this stuff in apprehension of summer '09 employment, so I am glad that it might be useful to someone else. Best of luck, J

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